Chemische Publikationen |
Zeitschriftenbeiträge |
– „Synthesen und Kristallstrukturen der neuen
Ag-Se-Cluster: [Ag30Se8(SetBu)14(PnPr3)8], [Ag90Se38(SetBu)14(PEt3)22],
D. Fenske, N. Zhu, T. Langetepe, Angew. Chem. 1998, 110, 2783; Angew. Chem. Int.
Ed. Engl. 1998, 37, 2639. Abstract
– „Synthese und
Kristallstruktur und ESI-Massenspektren der selenverbrückten
Gold(I)-Komplexkationen [Au10Se4(dppm)4]2+
und [Au18Se8(dppe)6]2+“
D. Fenske, T. Langetepe, M. M. Kappes, O. Hampe, P. Weis, Angew. Chem.
2000, 112, 1925; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2000,
39, 1857. Abstract
– „Neue Silber-Tellurid
Cluster stabilisiert mit zweizähnigen Phosphanen: Synthese und Struktur von
und [Ag38Te13(TetBu)12(Ph2P(CH2)2PPh2)3]“
T. Langetepe, D. Fenske, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2001, 627, 820. Abstract
– „Synthese und Kristallstruktur der neuen
Silber-Selen-Cluster-Komplexe [Ag4(SeiPr)4(dppm)2],
[Ag28Se6(SenBu)16(dppp)4] und
T. Langetepe, D. Fenske, Angew. Chem. 2002, 114, 306; Angew. Chem.
Int. Ed. Engl.2002, 41, 300.
– „Synthese und Struktur der Silberkomplexe [Ag2Cl2(dppbp)3]∞,
[Ag2(SPh)2(dppe)3]∞ und [Ag2(SPh)2(triphos)]∞ sowie der neuen chalkogenverbrückten Silblercluster
[Ag7(SPh)7(dppm)3], {[Ag7(TePh)7(dppp)3]2(dppp)}
und [Ag22(SPh)10(OAc)11Cl(dmf)3]∞ “
W. Xiujian, T. Langetepe, D. Fenske, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2002, 628, 1157.
– „Synthese und Struktur der
neuen Silber Schwefel Cluster [Ag70S26(SPh)14(C(CO)Ph)4] und
W. Xiujian, T. Langetepe, C. Persau, B.-S. Kang, G. M. Sheldrick, D. Fenske, Angew. Chem. 2002, 114, 3972; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.2002, 41, 3818.
– „Novel Photophysical Properties of Gold-Selenide Complexes:
Photogeneration of Singlett Oxygen by [Au18Se6(dppe)6]Br2 and Near-Infrared
Photoluminescence of [Au10Se4(dpppe)4]Br2
S. Lebedkin, P. Sevillano, T. Langetepe, D. Fenske, M.M. Kappes, J. Phys. Chem. (B) 2002, 106, 9019.
– „Neue chalkogenverbrückte Goldkomplexe: Synthese und Struktur
von [Au2Se(dppbe)]n,
[Au10Se4(dpppe)4]Br2 und [Au34Se14(tpep)6(tpepSe)2]Cl6 “
P. Sevillano, T. Langetepe, D. Fenske, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2003, 629, 207.
Proceedings |
– „New clusters of Cu and Ag with chalcogen ligands“
D. Fenske, A. Eichhöfer, N. Zhu, T. Langetepe, Book of Abstracts, 217th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim,
Calif. 21-25 March, 1999. Abstract
– „Photoluminiscence and generation of
singlet oxygen by ligand-stabilized gold-selenide cluster
S. Lebedkin, T. Langetepe, P. Sevillano, D. Fenske, M.M. Kappes,
AIP Conference Proceedings, 591 (Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures), 2001, 537.
Buchreferenzen |
– Die größten Cluster: „....aus der Familie der
Metallchalkogenid-Cluster stammen der größte Silbercluster, [Ag172Se40(SenBu)92(dppp)4],
und...“ in „Chemie-Rekorde – Menschen,
Märkte, Moleküle“, H.-J. Quadbeck-Seeger (Hrsg.), VCH, Weinheim, 1999, S. 37 (ISBN 3527298703).
– Chapter 10: Organo-Transition Metal Cluster Complexes: "...Reaction of
Se(SiMe3)2 with {[Au2(µ-dppm)Br2] afforded
[Au(µ3-Se)4(µ-dppm)4]2+ (8), consisting of ..." in „Organometallic
Chemistry“, M. Green (Hrsg.), Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2002, S. 224 (ISBN 0854043330).
– Chalcogen-bridged Silver
Clusters: "Bidentade phosphine ligands have been successfully employed for the synthesis...stabilizing Ag/SeR
and Ag/Se/SeR frameworks ... Much larger Ag-Se frameworks are formed using bidentate ligands if reaction conditions and the selenium reagent
are modified. The cluster [Ag124Se57(SetBu2)4Cl6(
in „Nanoparticles: From Theory to Application“, G. Schmid (Hrsg.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004, S. 162-168 (ISBN 3527205076).
– Chalcogen-bridged Silver
Clusters: "Bidentade phosphine ligands have also been shown to be effective in stabilizing AgTe polynuclear frameworks,... the successful preparation
of {[Ag5(TePh)6(Ph2PCH2Ch2PPh2)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh3
)]}∞ (106), [Ag18Te(TePh)15(Ph2P(CH2)3PPh2)3Cl]
(107), and
[Ag38Te13(TetBu)12(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)6] (108) ..."
in „Nanoparticles: From Theory to Application“, G. Schmid (Hrsg.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004, S. 178-180 (ISBN 3527205076).
– Selenium-bridged Gold
Clusters: "It is noteworth that reactions of [(AuCl)2(dppe)] with RseSiMe3 (= Et, iPr, tBu, nBu) invariably
lead to the formation of [Au18Se8(dppe)6]Cl2 ..."
in „Nanoparticles: From Theory to Application“, G. Schmid (Hrsg.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004, S. 181-183 (ISBN 3527205076).
– Chapter 5: The ESI MS behaviour of coordination complexes:
"Various large selenide clusters have also been investigated using ESI-MS. The large gold cluster [Au18Se8(dppe)6]
2+ (dppe= Ph2P(CH2)2PPh2) gives solely the parent dication when analysed ..." in
„Mass spectrometry of inorganic, coordination and organometallic compounds“, W. Henderson (Hrsg.), J. Wiley & sons, Somerset, 2005, S. 159 (ISBN 0470850167).
– Chap. 8: Metal-containing polymers based on diphosphines and diisocyanines:
"Other large oligomers were also recently characterized by X-ray crystallography by Fenske and his collaborators. The reaction between (AuX)2
(diphos) (diphos = dpppen or dppbp; X = Cl, Br) and Se(SiMe3)2 lead to oligomers ... the oligomer exhibits the formula
[Au34Se14(tpep)6(tpep)2]Cl6, where ..."
in „Frontiers in transition metal-containing polymers“, A. S. Abd-El-Aziz (Hrsg.), J. Wiley & sons, Somerset, 2007, S. 335-336 (ISBN 0471730157).
– Chap. 2.1: thiolates, selenolates and tellurolates:
"A series of cluster complexes of copper and silver with chalcogenolate or chalcogenolate/chalcogenide ligands have been reported, as for
example ... [Ag172Se40(SenBu)92(dppp)4] ..."
in „Handbook of Chalcogen Chemistry: New perspectives in sulfur, selenium and tellurium provides an overview“,
F. A. Devillanova (Hrsg.), Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2007, S. 53-55 (ISBN 0854043667).
– 2.2 Gold(I)-Gold(I)-Interactions: "...Examples of selenide compounds are
[Au10(µ3-Se)4]2+ and
in „Modern Supramolecular Gold Chemistry“, A. Laguna (Hrsg.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008, S.84-86 (ISBN 3527320296).